Strange Town Entertainment, a derivative from a Montreal based label “Strange Town Recording“;  techno label working with artists like Flowers And Sea Creatures, James Teej, Groj, Deepfunk & more; is having it’s launch party in Montreal’s very own “Unity” nightclub. Starting on November 7th, on every Saturday, they will showcase Montreal’s talent weekly in room #2 of the club. Label boss “Strange Town” will also be performing on every hosted night. Entrance is FREE Before 12:30 & 6$ after that, you just need to send your names to – subject : ROOM#2 Glist)

Here is the lineup for the 4 upcoming weeks:

Week 1 [November 7th]

Voytek (My Favourite Robot)

Flowers & Sea Creatures

Week 2 [November 14th]

Fu Ancko


Week 3 [November 21st]

Adam Husa

Debbie Doe

Week 4 [November 28th] AWSUM KULTURE KOLLEKTIF

Veronika & Olivier
